If you told me last year I may be on the verge of winning an international championship I would have laughed. So far this 2019 season has been the hardest yet the most amazing year of racing I have done. It has been a continuous battle since our season opener. As someone who races on a nickle and dime budget, you can imagine the sacrifices and hardships we've faced to make this work. I owe my wife more than I can give for her letting me chase these dreams.
While this series is only four events and we will do three, the actual race time calculates to almost two entire Formula 1 seasons squeezed into those races. Three races at twenty-four-hours each in length on three different continents!
The final race of the 2019 season takes us to Texas and on home soil (U.S. soil that is). We find ourselves leading GT4 in both the team and driver points and we sit forth overall. This is an amazing opportunity we're in as a team, as a driver, and for all of my partners. The possibility of winning a championship, at home, in a GT4 class BMW with Sorg Rennsport is emotional just thinking about it! I mean seriously, how cool would that be?
I'm writing this post purely to express my gratitude towards every opportunity I have been given this season. Everyone from the Sorg Rennsport team for accepting me into their lineup this year and giving me this opportunity, every partner that has supported me, every individual that has sent me messages, etc. The truth of the matter is I am still hustling 24/7 to find the dollars needed to race. This event is still being worked towards. Nothing is final. Many see us traveling and racing and imagine we live a high-end luxurious lifestyle. That's simply not the truth though I wish it was! In Spain we actually ate peanut butter sandwiches every night when we were at our hotel near the track! We were able to splurge on some local flavor after the event in downtown Barcelona, but trust me, I'm probably the poorest driver in the paddock. I'm proud of it though.
With that said, if you know of any businesses that would like to use motorsport as a tool for exposure, please send them my way so we can chat. This event is shaping up to be a good one in Austin and with the championship on the line you can expect good exposure!
Stay tuned for updates as we head towards the Circuit of the Americas in November.